hey everyone. pan y rosas was late to the traditional end of the year best of list party, so instead here are some things that pyr artists are looking forward to in 2012!
next up: steve krakow, plastic crimewave, of plastic crimewave sound, moonrises, solar fox, etc. who says yeah fuck those end of the year best of lists anyhow..
1. releasing simply saucer “saucerland” lp of sweet vintage material on my new galactic archive imprint w/logan hardware.
2. moonrises spring tours (east coast and hopefully the south a bit too)
3. trying to have another million tongues festival in fall.
4. possible europe tour and festival in uk in july.
5. release of sandy bull “live w/the rhythm ace” lp on gzdisk/drag city in march–amazing rare soundboard recording of the oud master!
6. galactic zoo dossier #9 hits in spring!
7. the end of civilization.
8. release of plastic crimewave sound/djin aquarian “save the world” lp on prophase recs.
9. trying to watch every spaghetti western ever made.
10.the rories global reunion tour.