hey everyone, the newness is from the cátodo dúo! based in chile, the duo consists of amanda irarrázabal on double bass and ramiro molina on electric guitar. they began playing together in 2012 as a way of sharing their experiences in the field of the improvised music. built around a string concept, the duo easily moves from intense rhythmic situations to dense layers of noise. the music is totally improvised and their sound arises from treating instruments as sources of sound in every sense of the word using prepared instruments and avoiding conventional playing.
al tiro, their first album for pan y rosas discos, documents their first public performance. the sound is: chime snake swirl. metal scratch skree. quiet long note bends. physical percussion. staccato footstep notes. process vibrato. glass string flow. reverse polarities, cross streams. pierce pulse. low drone feedback string punch. objects falling down hills. black lodge bass descension glissando treble string ambiance.
get the album here!