beth mcdonald is a classically trained tuba player gone awry, working largely in the fields of electroacoustic music and free improvisation. currently, beth performs with korean jeans, callithumpian consort, cbs trio, seraph brass, and other groups. As artistic director of the august noise jp concert series in boston, she worked to bring unexpected music to public spaces and to engage her fellow musicians in their community. beth currently resides in chicago, where she enjoys collaborating with musicians, writers, performers, and other artists in a kaleidoscopic variety of contexts.
beth created cold weather birding between may and december 2016, mostly in chicago. a variety of sound sources were generated or manipulated using max/msp, spear and audacity. a live performer was involved for cueing, controlling, mixing, but computer magic also performed many of the same functions. long tones and hush static. inconsequential origins of sounds.
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