In lieu of free live shows at the neighborhood library, we’re doing free live shows via twitch! The next show is on Sunday August 9 at 2pm (CST/UTC-05), join us!
Cinchel is a Chicago based musician working with guitar, effects and laptop to create abstract ambient music that is both minimal and dense. His main focus has been the interaction of sounds/notes with themselves. With only the use of delay, layering and distortion he attempts to make a lot of guitars no longer sound like guitars. For that reason, he likes to call this – minimal dense music.
SIFI + uuskhy: You often hear about the coldness of software, the icy sterility of digital artifacts; despite the ones and zeros, the jagged edges of the pixelated render, there is a digital campfire crackling within the code and beckoning you to endless warmth. Here you will find two beings improvising with controllers, interfaces, and antique video hardware — existing equally as human and avatar — listening, reacting, and generating sparks of ///Digital Warmth///
You can find our more about SIFI here:
And about uuskhy here: