?alos is musician/experimental performer stefania pedretti’s solo project that began in 2003. her performances blur the lines between performance art, experimental music, improvisation, video art and force the audience to actively participate. the feminine figure and its role in history and contemporary society is at the heart of her performances.
in her music she investigates the ancient relationship that binds the earth to woman; the magic that reigns between them; the sixth sense, their secret language; history; and the inquisition. using voice and hair, two of the ancient media used for pagan rituals bound to nature and femininity, ?alos creates an oneiric doom dimension made of gestures, sounds and breathings that recalls the ancient sabbath rituals in a post-modern vein. she is the muse of the coming apocalype.
albums from pyr
pyr067 – yomi, l’oscura terra dei morti
pyr061 – ricamatrici
pyr055 – ricordi indelebili
web presences