Library Experimental is an ongoing series focusing on Chicago’s experimental musicians. It is happening at the Chicago Public Library in Jefferson Park on Saturday, June 29 at 3.30pm.
Early! Free! All ages!
The upcoming show features Visda Goudarzi.
Do note the start time of 3.30pm. This is when Visda will begin her performance that is open to the public.
Before her performance Visda will lead a free, hands-on workshop for young people, ages 10-13, where they will learn about sound synthesis basics, and how to create and modify sound. Registration through the library is required for this portion of the event. The workshop begins at 2pm. Space is limited.
If you know an interested young person you can register them through the library’s website here:
Jefferson Park library is located at 5363 W Lawrence. Convenient to both bus and blue line.
Visda Goudarzi is a computer musician working at the intersection of audio and human-computer interaction. Her research interests include sound and music computing, live coding, data sonification, sound synthesis, and the application of new media in art. She designs and performs using interactive and participatory sonic interfaces. Her sonic works include live electronic performances, live coding and data driven sound. She is an Associate Professor and Associate Chair of Audio Arts and Acoustics at Columbia College Chicago.