Library Experimental is an ongoing series focusing on Chicago’s experimental musicians. It is happening at the Chicago Public Library in Jefferson Park on Saturday, November 18 from 2-4pm, and features Cinchel and Kathryn Schaffer!
Early! Free! Kid friendly! If the kids are patient!
Jefferson Park library is located at 5363 W Lawrence. Convenient to both bus and blue line.
Cinchel is a sonic architect whose music transcends conventional boundaries, crafting ethereal soundscapes that transport listeners to distant realms of emotion and contemplation. Their sonic explorations push the boundaries of ambient, experimental, and post-rock genres, creating a mesmerizing tapestry of sound that resonates deeply with his audience.
Kathryn Schaffer is an ex-astrophysicist, ex-art-school-professor. Her recent projects include writing about quantum causality and building a sanctuary for endangered bumblebees in NW Illinois. In her music and experimental sound projects (often collaborative and seldom published) she pursues sound as desperate miscommunication. Cables die notes slip didn’t hit save on the current version. Dinner will be on the table in an hour and the laundry folded. Code and circuits are like fingers to the physicist and they too fumble, worn and tired. It is all noise.
This work, entitled “mommy have you ever lost your voice?” collides two electric guitars, live vocals, and recorded voice in co-interrupted coercion and miscommunicated care.