pyr103 bristophe – die ersten zwei kirchen


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on these recordings, we play the cello, the double bass, the trombone, the e-flat tuba, the church organ, the piano, the harpsichord, the clavichord, and the alphorn; we also use our voices, electronics, numerous birdcalls, some random toys and percussion, and a few other instruments.

all the music composed on the spot by bristophe – brice catherin and christophe schweizer.
messe ohne worte was recorded live in concert on october 30th, 2009, at christiankirche, hamburg-altona (germany).
unsere mutter im himmel was recorded during the second week of july 2012 on the occasion of a residency at reformierte kirche in spiez (switzerland).

disc 1 – messe ohne worte
01. anrufung 02. bekenntnis 03. predigt 04. lobgesang 05. heilig 06. segnung 07. hingabe 08. aussendung
disc 2 – unsere mutter im himmel
01. die mutter 02. die tochter vers 1 03. die tochter vers 2 04. die tochter vers 3 05. die tochter vers 4 06. die reine seele vers 1 07. die reine seele vers 2 08. die erzählung

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