pyr146 aaron yabrov – tonmuseum


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tonmuseum consists of two 15 minute tracks composed entirely of found sounds and a single pre-recorded analogue-synthwave. all sounds were recorded in 2013 on my way to and in the so called ‘klanglabor’ at grassimuseum in leipzig, germany – a sound chamber filled with replicas of historical instruments which is located in the museum itself.

the first step was to record different pianos, chimes, bells, water drums and a ‘regenrohr’ via a sony m-100mc. i then worked on these sounds at home with various effects, pitched the signal using a tascam multitracker and through this process built both of the tracks on the record – tonmuseum and pendulum. i focused on the drowning qualities of certain sounds that emerge if you slow one recorded audio sequence down to a maximum of shifted time, thus expanding the natural sound waves. i also tried to preserve the eerie quality that a piano or bell gets, when decelerated through a recording.

both tracks were finished in early december 2014.

aaron yabrov on pyr

01. tonmuseum 02. pendulum

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