Hi-Fi Remix
Dual Mix
release date: May 15, 2020.
#1 Hi-Fi Remix
Hi-Fi Remix is an edited version of a performance given at the Hi-Fi bar dance club on January 21, 1999. David Tolley and Ren Walters were seated at a table facing each other, side on to the audience. Each performer had a hard disk recorder, microphone, a copy of each others text, magazines and scissors (used to cut text by performers and audience). A video constructed by David Tolley was projected onto the performers and a large white backdrop. Selected audio material employed in the performance was later reused in production of the final CD. Recorded by David Tolley. Edited, arranged and produced by Ren Walters, 1999.
#2 Dual Mix
Dual Mix is a blend of two separate performances, one being at Ren Walter’s place on September 6, 1998. David Tolley played amplified and processed acoustic bass, acoustic guitar and voice. Ren walters played hard disk recorder, computer, and electronic guitar. The second performance being a remix event, ‘Howqua Party’ on November 2, 1997. Two hard disk recorders were used to accompany projected images. Recorded by David Tolley. Elements of each event were later edited, arranged and produced by Ren Walters in early 1999.
Total time: 62:26.
Ren Walters: VS880, voice, text, objects.
David Tolley: VS880, voice, text, objects.
01. Hi-Fi Remix 02. Dual Mix