pan y rosas artists on vuzh music’s notable releases of 2016

primal spirits by morten rasz, illusions by luong hue trinh, la corporación by amanda irarrazabal, cecilia lópez and cecilia quinteros, and callus / redux by asha tamirisa, all on vuzh music’s notable releases of 2016!

Hello, again, I’m C. Reider. I release most of my own music for free on the internet, and I listen to a lot of music by people who do the same. This is a list of free-to-download releases fro…

Source: Vuzh Music Blog » Blog Archive » Notable Netlabel Releases of 2016 (Part Five – Final)

pan y rosas release callus / redux by asha tamirisa!


asha tamirisa is an experimental media artist most interested in audiovisual composition, instruments and interfaces, and gender/race and technology. she is a founding member of OPENSIGNAL, a group of artists concerned with the state of gender and race within electronic / computer based art practices. she holds a b.a. from oberlin college and is currently a doctoral student in the multimedia and electronic music experiments [ MEME ] program at brown university.

asha’s first album for pan y rosas, callus / redux, consists of two longer pieces that she created in august of 2016 using an arp2500, a few various synths and field recordings that she recorded in july of 2015. the sound is slow, patient, shifting drones, sculpted water.

get the album here!