Jefferson Park EXP with florconvenas and Reid Karris – April 25 2pm

In lieu of free live shows at the neighborhood library, we’re doing free live shows via twitch! The next show is on Sunday April 25 at 2pm (CST/UTC-05), join us!

florconvenas (Mariela Arzadun) is an audio explorer of the dream forest. Currently in Buenos Aires and continuously exploring other places as well. For florconvenas music is a question, never a style or genre. Always experimentation and fragrances. Poetry, drawings, sounds.


Reid Karris is a multi-instrumentalist, composer, sound enthusiast and improviser hailing from Chicago, Illinois trying very hard to get all the music stuck in his head out for all the world to hear. After spending years as an odd guitarist trying to fit in with the world of rock music Reid shifted his focus towards improvisation, noise, drone and avant-garde. His primary instruments for doing so are prepared guitar and drum kit sent through electronics.

end of the year kindness for ley en das by florconvenas!

awesomeness! ley en das by florconvenas was named #7 in vanguardia peruana’s top 10 releases of 2012! yeah!

7. FLORCONVENAS – Ley en das (Manuscritos arrebatados del fuego) (Pan y Rosas Discos): A mediados de año la argentina Mariela Arzadun extrajo de su privilegiada cabeza esta joya metamusical en la que el ruidismo y la electrónica más lúdica e irracional retratan su enajenado mundo personal poblado por druidas, escotes y maquinarias agrícolas -como titula algunas de las piezas de “Ley en das”. Recuerdo una tarde transportándome en el Metropolitano limeño con los audífonos emitiendo este majestuoso tratado supersónico y no necesitar ninguna otra cosa más, tan solo que nunca acabe. Incomparable obra/sonido.

read the whole list here. and get the album here!

pan y rosa release ley en das by florconvenas

it’s may day! and the newness is from florconvenas, sound explorer mariela arzadun’s solo project. mariela is an improviser, experimental musician and visual artist from buenos aires who focuses on field recordings, soundscapes, drones, poetry, collage and concrete music. she runs the amor loco netlabel and comprises half of the free improvisation duo, criadero en seres, both with leandro ramírez.

to create ley en das, mariela mixed together various elements such as: field recordings, keyboards, voices, barking dogs, cars, hail, glass, and hand tools. the sound world is: a simple melody of automated factory labor to establish the setting. squelch. itinerant droid poetry. tones pulse a slow dance to the pitter-patter of machinery. metronomic mutiny. rain music. voices and shimmer sines ascend and descend in swirl haze wash. turbines powering up, satellites responding. get it here.