interview with and feature on pan y rosas on attn:magazine’s radio show!

In the first edition of the ATTN:Magazine radio show, host Jack Chuter talks to Keith Helt of Pan Y Rosas Discos (a Chicago net label releasing improvisation, noise and weirdo rock from around the world) and runs through a few of ATTN’s favourite cuts from 2016.

pan y rosas discos is go!

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pan y rosas discos is a super small netlabel. all of the downloadable files are free. some of the albums exist in a physical state and if you are interested in obtaining one you can email us at pyrdiscos(at)

we are just starting out and this is a learning experience. the website itself is in development and is going to be evolving over time. let us know if you have any suggestions. check back soon for new albums, new songs, and new musicians.

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