interview with lola de la mata!

Your work challenges the body and human experience, taking intangible motions and channeling them into forms of sensory experience through sound/visuals. What is it about the body that draws you to produce work in this way?

Lola: Each body is unique – by body I mean our own, those of instruments, and that of the space found within architectural form. The bodily themes came about while I conducted research, asking performers, dancers and choreographers questions about their experiences and emotions surrounding their body being curated and composed. What was it like being a living sculpture?

Borrowing this model, I applied it to the academic ‘human experience’ of being a musician, thinking of it as the years of study to impose one’s will on the instrument, to reach and surpass a technical standard. But this is not my experience as a musician, I view it as a collaboration between myself and my instrument. A place where my instrument resonates with my own body, or my body resonates with that of the instrument’s. My scores reflect this desire to unshackle a stiff approach to playing, holding and being with an instrument. I write in order to bring out the voice of the instrument, in a way that isn’t being forced out, and where listening becomes a shared experience of resonating bodies.

read the whole thing here!

pan y rosas release REMISE EN BOUCHE by lola de la mata

lola de la mata (b.1991) is a london based artist, musician, and composer whose practice focuses around the body, collaboration and listening. lola’s work ranges from monotypes and graphic scores, to installations and compositions for movement, voice, electronics and classical instruments.

lola is the organiser behind the interdisciplinary artist group ‘parallel praxis’, which seeks to support and develop process and individual practice, to provide a wider network, and promote collaboration.

REMISE EN BOUCHE, which translates as palate cleanser, or in the mouth, is both an act of refreshment for the ears, and a commentary on the misogyny women experience in the creative industries.

the album combines field recordings, classical rifts, untrained voice, violin, and transformed feedback noise. the layers co exist, tangle, overlap, to form a textured sonic world, full of movement, with sounds appearing and receding into dark voids.

everything you hear in this album was generated acoustically either with instrumentation or concrete sound sources.

get the album here!