Walpurgis Knot
May Day
Something Foul is Afoot
Medusa Oblong God…ah!
Mistaken Names
Pantomiming Pain
Not This but That
release date: August 9, 2021.
Reid Karris – metal bowls, kaiser springbox, skatchboxes, effects – recorded in Hinsdale, IL
Clint Spotts – prepared guitars, daxophone, ribbon synth, optical theremin, circuit bent effects pedals, reed organ, kaiser gonkulation device, voice, halloween decorations – recorded in Chisholm, MN
Reid Karris on pyr
Clint Spotts on pyr
01. Walpurgis Knot 02. May Day 03. Orjazzm 04. Something Foul is Afoot 05. Medusa Oblong God… Ah! 06. Mistaken Names 07. Pantomiming Pain 08. Not This but That