pan y rosas release .escap.ism by 23RedAnts and pablo orza!


founded in april 2012 by macarena montesinos and niet f-n and based in spain, 23RedAnts is a cello/electronics duo who try to explore new territories between free improvisation, glitch music, and their first two years they have collaborated with different musicians and released four digital albums available for free download. they also collaborate with other artists such as dancers, visual artists as well as performing live during art exhibitions.

pablo orza is a self taught multi-instrumentalist from galicia, spain, primarily working in free improvisation. in 2003, he collaborated with parto duo to create the centro de novas tecnoloxías do pico sacro (TPS) – an artist collective interested in real time creation.

their first album for pyr consists of conversations that took place between cello, electronics and guitar. macarena, niet and pablo documented the conversations in 2012 and organized them into three volumes that all relate. the sound is micro, patient and highly fluid.

get it here!