lauren redhead is an internationally performed composer and a performer who specialises in experimental music as an organist and a vocalist. she is a founder member of the collective ‘automatronic’ who produce a concert series for organ and electronics in london each autumn and who commission and collaborate with composers to create new works for the combination. her compositional work increasingly focuses on graphic, conceptual, and open approaches to music and performance, and collaboration — with other composers and artists — forms an important part of this approach.
the music on entoptic landscape is “slow moving, partially entering into ‘view’ and then gone again. the attempt to focus has the effect of obscuring it. all of the performances of this music respond in some way to open notation. as such, no two performances of this music are alike, but all hold much in common. open notation has been employed not for reasons of accessibility but as a means of inviting the performers into the specific soundworld of the piece.”
get the album here!