Jefferson Park EXP with Noisebringers and Lorenzo Gomez Oviedo – December 20, 2pm

In lieu of free live shows at the neighborhood library, we’re doing free live shows via twitch! The next show is on Sunday December 20 at 2pm (CST/UTC-06), join us!

Noisebringers were created by mistake. (“There are no mistakes, only happy accidents.” ― Bob Ross) A large and loving family consisting of Brice Catherin (your friendly elderly cellist next door), Henry McPherson (pianist and meme artist), and Maria Sappho (pianist and non-composer). Says Sappho, “We can not tell you what we have to offer, as this is an improvisational concert. If you are unsure of what an improvisational concert might be, be assured you are asking the right questions.”

They will present a film ritual: Tente, the mushroom that the crocodile ate, that they created with Afulodidim Nikefolosi (a figure in answer to the challenge: show me a contemporary mixture of Amos Tutuola and Zora Neale Hurston.)


Lorenzo Gomez Oviedo is a composer and improviser from Argentina. His works explore soundscapes using analog recordings, sound interpretation of everyday objects, etc. He also organizes the experimental music lable, Adaptador Records. Currently, he performs in a duo with Karim Villalba focused on improvisation based collaborations with artists from other disciplines such as dance, poetry and drawing.

pan y rosas release para, sin, contra by lorenzo gomez oviedo & valentina spina!

lorenzo gomez oviedo is a composer and improviser who was born in san juan in 1987. his works have been premiered in various places throughout argentina, chile, brazil and mexico. he has made inroads in exploring soundscapes using analog recordings, sound interpretation of everyday objects, etc.

valentina spina is an argentinian violinist and musician who explores the interpretative expansion of the traditional violin repertoire through extended techniques and electronic media. she also investigates sound in the context of latin american studies.

on april 2, 2018 the two musicians created para, sin, contra using a circuit bent drum machine and an electric guitar. the sound is: space coast. juggle. blast static. sun. surf haze.

get the album here!

pan y rosas release ready made by lorenzo gomez oviedo

lorenzo gomez oviedo is a composer and improviser who was born in san juan in 1987. he explores soundscapes using analog recordings, sound interpretation of everyday objects, etc.

ready made is a selection of numerous old open reel tapes found in various broken recorders or were given away. no editing process was performed on them, only organizing.

get the album here!