ana maría romano g. is a musician / sound artist and professor from bogotá, colombia. she teaches in formal and informal spaces and at all levels from small children to university students and is currently a professor at the universidad el bosque. she is the director of the festival en tiempo real – space dedicated to artistic manifestations that involve a dialogue between sound and the use of technologies. she is a general co-coordinator of microcircuitos plataforma digital regional. she shares her artistic and teaching work at concerts, lectures and workshops.
her creative interests have led her to work with both acoustic and electroacoustic methods as well as participate in multidisciplinary projects such as contemporary dance, videodance and performance. she also collaborates with artists from colombia and elsewhere in the world of improvisational and interdisciplinary music.
her first album for pan y rosas consists of five pieces created between 2009 and 2016. reactions to current events. accordion. multiple channels and media. voices. rain. transport.
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